19 March, 2011


About Ephesus...

 1.     Christ knows it all!

"I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance.” (v.2)
He knows everything about every member. He knows everything about the church as a whole. It is implied here that he knows both good and evil works. Works are what can be seen. Works are what can be observed. But he also knows the intent of those works. He knows the intent of our heart. He knows what we mean by what we do. Have we ever thought about that? The all-seeing eyes of Christ see into the very soul and even to the very depths of the heart.

This church has endured hardships in the name of Christ. You might ask Why God allows times of trials and tribulation and suffering and persecution? The answer for all these is the same. To be a witness for Jesus Christ! Let us not be unfaithful to our duty. We might have suffered loss, insults and hardships, but need to bear all that!

2. Good Signs!

The Church of Ephesus did not tolerate evil. This somewhat challenges us too.  How do we tolerate evil? It surrounds us every day. It comes into our home via the media. How do we tolerate evil? This church didn’t tolerate not just the principle of evil, they didn’t tolerate evil people. They didn’t bear with them.

Also, they hated the practices of the Nicolaitans, whom Christ also hated. The Nicolaitans were people who wanted to do their own thing in the way that they wanted to do it.

So you would think they get an A+. You would think this church certainly is a church received by Christ. It is a church loved by Christ. It is a church embraced by Christ. It is a church commended by Christ. But we are shocked to hear these words. “Yet I hold this against you".

3. Lost the First Love!

Now, first of all, we should understand that is they had departed the ultimate commandment of Christ that you love one another. That is how they divided their first love. That is how they departed Christ. They forgot that the very first principle above all things was that the children of God love each other because love is of God and because He loved us first we ought also to love one another.
This church was in bad shape. It was in a horrible situation. It left behind the principle of love. Devotion was routine, the church became cold and lost enthusiasm. It had lost its first love! Religious activities replaced the Love of God!

Think about it. We can ask all of ourselves these questions- Where were we when we first loved Him? Where were we when love was our principle of life? Where were we? And where are we now? Are we any better now than we were then? Or are we worse off than we were then? Even we might have started out well, went on well and kept up. But in between the devil come to play in the form of discouragement, anxiety, depression etc. But God is looking for Constancy. Standing for Truth, Knowing the Bible, Doing Ministry, Free from Guilt is all Good. They are actually indispensible. But there is something deeper. God will look at the heart from where these things will come!

... To be Continued...

 God Bless!

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