16 March, 2011

Intoduction to the 7 Churches Contd...

The letters, in Revelation 2 and 3, were told to be written to the angels of the respective churches. Angels are actually messengers of God. All the letters follow a set format of five parts:

1) Address of destination: “To the angel of the church of ______, write.”

2) Personal description of Jesus as He relates to this particular Church.

3) The condition of the church as viewed by the Only One who can truly know it. Seven times God says, “I know your works.”

4) The course of action. Five of the seven churches are told to repent! The other two churches are comforted and blessed.

5) Finally comes the promise to the overcomers, the obedient, and also an invitation: “He that has ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.”

These 7 churches are representative of all the churches, in one way or the other. Let us take the good things from each church and beware of the warnings he gives us! You can see yourself in anyone or more than one of these churches.

God Bless!

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