23 March, 2011


More about Ephesus...

4. Repent!

God gives a good opportunity to this church now. Remember, but do something more than remember, for it is never just good to sit there and gripe about the past as though his great admonition, his great exhortation is, “Remember, stop and remember. But do something quickly on that.”

And that is what the Lord Jesus Christ says to this church. Repent! Change direction, completely reverse course and recover what you have lost by doing, putting into practice once again. Repent and Return!

5.  Spiritual Victory

“Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
And I can’t say anymore to you than that. Do you have an ear to hear? Do you have a heart to receive what is being said? Is that ear connected to that heart? Can you reach out and embrace what Christ says to the churches?

A promise is given.
“To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.”

When Adam and Eve sinned, the tree of life was banished from the Garden of Eden. It is now situated in the Paradise of God, a synonym for heaven. And the Christian partakes of the tree of life through the work of Jesus Christ. And He is the only way we may have victory, victory over death. Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes unto the Father, except by Me.”

Has your Christian walk become a dead routine, working for ourselves, working for the family, working for the church but no warmth of the fire, no joy, no bliss? Fall in love with Jesus all over again. Do you feel as though your church life is disconnected from your work life? Fall in love with Jesus all over again. I want to tell you, whatever our problem, there is an answer-  To fall in love with Jesus all over again!

God Bless!

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