02 May, 2011

DEAD CHURCH (Rev 3:1- 6)

Chuck Swindoll gives us 4 main reasons of why churches die:
1) Worship of the past!
2) Love of tradition over love for Christ!
3) Inflexibility and resistance to change!
4) Losing evangelistic and missionary fervor!

1.     Faithless are rebuked

The church at Sardis was a church that was dying on the inside. Like diseased cells in a physical body, these bad cells were attacking the good cells and the body was becoming affected to the point that Jesus actually calls the church “dead.” The problem at the church at Sardis is that there were many more faithless than there were faithful.

Jesus refers to Himself as “He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars.” Our Lord Jesus has with Him the Holy Spirit and He also has “the seven stars.” The star is the representative of each church. It reminds us that Jesus possesses each church. Jesus is the Lord of each church.

2.     Fellowship Restored

There are five verbs in verses 2 and 3 that will tell us how the church’s fellowship with the Lord is restored.
-         Be watchful
Stay awake. Never forget the tendency to become sleepy and lazy with regard to spiritual things.

-         Strengthen what remains
Get busy with these works of love, faith, and service.

-         Remember what you have received and heard
     Continue to remember the things you have learned. This speaks to the importance of regular attendance to the worship service and Bible studies.

-         Hold Fast
Do you love the things of God? Do you have a Bible and read it regularly? That’s the idea here. Hold fast the truth in your hand. Don’t let it go. Regard it as the precious treasure that it is.

-         Repent
Turn back to God. Change the way you think about God and spiritual things and change your behaviour. Get back to doing the things you know you should be doing.

3.     Faithful Rewarded

There are a few in the church who are not dying. There were not many, but there were a few. They are the church’s faithful. They have “not defiled their garments.” Their garments are “white” and so they will “walk with the Lord in white, for they are worthy.” The faithful to Christ will be forever clothed in white garments. This phrase reminds us of our need for forgiveness. When we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, our Lord writes down our name into the registry of heaven. Do others know about your Christian faith? Do you regularly confess Christ before your family, friends, and co-workers? If so, the Lord Jesus will confess you before His Father and before His angels. You will die and stand before the God of judgment. And Jesus will say to the Father, “He is mine.” And Jesus will say to the angels, “He is mine.” And Jesus will say to everyone, “He is mine.”

If we remain in sin, we remain separated from God. If we die in sin, we spend eternity separated from God in a place called hell, a place where judgment of sin takes place forever and ever. The good news is that Jesus Christ is in the resurrection business. Just as the church in Sardis could be resurrected from the dead, so can we! Let us keep a check on ourselves regularly- Are we walking dead?!

God Bless!

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