02 May, 2011


To the church at Pergamos...

1.     Remain Committed
“These are the words of him who has the sharp, double-edged sword.” (2:12)
The sword is a symbol of justice. The Roman proconsul resided in the city of Pergamum. The sword was a reminder of who was in control. The Romans were in control. Had power to execute. Jesus says, “I am the True Power.” I am the one with the double-edged sword.

“I know where you live—where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, not even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city—where Satan lives”. (2:13)
He knows where we dwell, where we live. Isn’t that encouraging? But Christians at Pergamum dwell, “where Satan’s throne is.” Jesus knows where we dwell. Some might be working in hellish places. Stand firm in Christ. Stay faithful to Christ.

This church was commended for staying faithful to Christ even in the midst of severe persecution. Christian tradition has it that Antipas was locked inside of a brass bull which was heated with flames of fire so that Antipas was literally roasted to death. Christ referred to Antipas as His “faithful witness.”

2.     Never Compromise

 There were two false doctrines that the Lord hated:
-         Doctrine of Balaam (eating food sacrificed to idols and sexual immorality)
-         Doctrine of Nicolaitans (Nicolaitans conquered people and lead the chuch astray into sexual immorality and wickedness)

It seems “the doctrine of the Nicolaitans” is tied closely to the “doctrine of Balaam,” so that to “hold to” the doctrine of one is to “hold to” the doctrine of the other. So Jesus condemns the church at Pergamum because it was willing to compromise the truth for human philosophy.
Jesus says Repent or else He will come quickly and will fight against those sinning in the church! Think of it! Are we fighting with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself?! God wants His church to be separated from all evil and all compromise.

3.     Receive Correction for the Reward

Turn. Change of mind. Change of heart. Change of behavior. Remain committed to Christ. Refuse to compromise Christ.

“To the one who is victorious, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it” (2:17)
‘Hidden manna’ probably refers to the manna Moses told the people to place in a jar and placed inside the ark of the covenant. Spiritually, God feeds His people in ways the world does not know. ‘White stone’ probably alludes to practice of giving a stone to special people such as victors of the Roman games or elite members of certain guilds. ‘New name no one knows’ probably should be taken with Revelation 19:12 where it speaks of the second coming of our Lord, who will come having “a name written no one knew except Himself.” Whatever this new name means, it is to be connected with Jesus. He knows us. He possesses us.

What we live is what we really believe. Everything else is just religious talk.”

God Bless!

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